
Converting weights & measures
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Sometimes you may have inches and want feet or maybe even yards.
Sometimes you may have teaspoons and want tablespoons
By creating a fraction (otherwise known as a ratio) and doing a little multiplication you can convert anything.
Let's see how!

First you have a statement like "3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon".
Now since these two things are equal, if we divided them together we would get one.
So basically we'll have the ratios
3 tsp./1 Tbsp. or 1 Tabspn./3 tsp.
and even though it may not look like it, both of these fracions equal 1.

Now which of the two ratios do we use? Well you want to convert from 1 unit of measurement to another. Whatever measurement you want change should be the same as the denominator and
whatever measurement you want to achieve should be the numerator.
Now just do a little multiplication

So if I wanted to convert 4 teaspoons. into Tablespoons,
I would use the ratio 1 Tabspn./3 tsp. or 1/3
4 * 1/3 = 4/1 * 1/3 = 4/3 = 1 1/3.
4 teaspoons = 1 1/3 Tablespoons.

Let's see this process again.

12 inches = 1 foot
Change 3 feet into inches
We want to get inches so 12 inches will be the numerator of our ratio.
We want to get rid of feet so 1 foot will be the denominator of our ratio.

3 feet = 3 feet * (12 inches/1 foot) 3 * 12/1 = 3/1 * 12/1 = 36/1 = 36
3 feet = 36 inches

Convert the following units of measurement. Your answers should be mixed fractions (if needed) and in lowest terms.

Exercise 1
12 inches = 1 foot
Change 18 inches into feet
18 inches = feet

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Exercise 2
4 cups = 1 quart
Change 3 quarts into cups
3 quarts = cups

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Exercise 3
100 centimeters = 1 meter
Change 2 meters into centimeters
2 meters = centimeters

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Exercise 4
16 oz. = 1 lb.
Change 32 ounces into pounds
32 oz. = lbs.

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Exercise 5
1 teaspoon = 4 grams
Change 5 teaspoons into grams
5 teaspoons = grams

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Guess what? You made it through to the end of fractions and managed to survive.
I knew you could do it!

Up next I have some word problems that will test your knowledge of fractions.
Try them, go to the main page to choose your next lesson, go back to the fraction home page, or go straight to decimals

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