

WARNING: There are two prerequisites for learning about percents: knowledge of decimals and fractions.
There is a series of questions listed below. In order for you to continue, you should answer yes to all of them. If you are unsure of any of these points, click on the appropriate question for a review.

Can you muliply and divide a decimal by 100? Can you reduce a fraction to lowest terms?
Can you add decimals together? Can you add fractions?
Can you subtract decimals? Can you subtract fractions?
Can you multiply decimals? Can you multiply fractions?
Can you divide decimals? Can you divide fractions?
Can you change a decimal
into a fraction?
Can you change a fraction
into a decimal?
Can you change an improper fraction
into a mixed fraction?
Can you change a mixed fraction
into an improper fraction?


The first two sections on this page are devoted to you history buffs.
That's because instead of looking forward, we're now going to turn our attention backwards.

What if you knew the percent and the amount, how would you find the base number?
In other words "__ is __% of what number?"

To solve this problem, let's first go back to the percent formula

The BASE is again the number (or object) that we are working on. It constitutes 100%
Each PERCENT is 1/100 of the base. The percent can be expressed as either a fraction or a decimal.

The amount and percent are now known quantities. To solve this problem divide the amount by the decimal representation (or fraction representation) of the percent. (i.e. Base= amount/percent)

Time to see this in action.

Example 1

20 is 25% of what number?

20 is the amount and 25 is the percent.
To calculate the base we have to divide the amount (20) by the percent (25%)
25% = 25/100 = 1/4 (or if you prefer 25% = 0.25)
Dividing 20 by 1/4 we get 20 ¸ 1/4 = 20/1 * 4/1 = 80 (or if you prefer 20/0.25 = 2000/25 =80)

Thus 25% of 80 is 20

Example 2

18 is 45% of what number?

18 is the amount and 45 is the percent
To calculate the base we need to divide the amount (18) by the percent (45%)
45% = 45/100 = 9/20 (or if you prefer 45% = 45/100 = 0.45)
18 ¸ 9/20 = 18/1 * 20/9 = 2/1 * 20/1 = 40 (or if you prefer 18/0.45 = 1800/45 = 40)

Thus 45% of 40 is 18

Example 3

15 is 33 1/3 % of what number.

15 is the amount and 33 1/3 is the percent.
To calculate the base we have to divide the amount (15) by the percent (33 1/3%).
We know that 33 1/3 % = 1/3 (To convert 33 1/3 % into a fraction divide it by 100. 33 1/3 ¸ 100 = 33 1/3 ¸ 100/1 = 33 1/3 * 1/100 = 100/3 * 1/100 = 1/3)
Note: 33 1/3 % is also equal to .3333... , but in this case it is easier to work with the fraction
15 ¸ 33 1/3% = 15 ¸ 1/3 = 15 * 3/1 = 45

Thus 33 1/3% 0f 45 is 15

Next we'll go back to the sale one last time. But first it's time for practice.

In each of these problems you'll be given the amount and the percent and you will be asked to compute the base figure.
As usual give your answers as a decimal and omit any commas (They confuse the computer)

Exercise 1
30% of what number is 117?

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Exercise 2
20% of what number is 53?

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Exercise 3
75% of what number is 66?

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Exercise 4
25% of what number is 36?

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Exercise 5
80% of what number is 44?

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You paid $10.50 for a shirt at a 30% off sale. How much was the shirt before it was discounted?
Congratulations, you just got a 5% raise. Your paycheck currently reads $861. How much were you making before the raise?

These are the type of problems we'll explore in this section.

First let's consider the discount problem.

You paid $10.50 for a shirt at a 30% off sale. How much was the shirt before it was discounted?

First of all we are going from a higher number (which we don't currently know yet) to a lower one, so this is a discount problem.
We know from our discussion on the previous page that if we took (100 - 30)% of the whatever the original price was, we would arrive at the sale price.
So this problem becomes "70% of what number is $10.50?"
Dividing 10.5 by .7 (70% = 0.70 = 0.7) we get 10.5 / .7 = 15.00
Thus $15.00 was the original price.
$15 dicounted by 30% = (100-30)% of 15 = 70% of 15 = 0.7 * 15 = 10.50

Let's look at one more discount problem before going on to our raise (increase) problem.

A baseball player has fallen on hard times. Over the course of the season his batting average fell 5% to a final average of 285. What was his average?

First of all we are going from a higher number (which we don't currently know yet) to a lower one, so this is a discount problem.
We know from our discussion on the previous page that if we took (100 - 5)% of whatever his average was, we would arrive at the current average of 285.
Therefore this problem becomes "285 is 95% of what number?"
Well 95% = 95/100 = 19/20
285 ¸ 19/20 = 285 * 20/19 = 5700/19 = 300
His batting average was 300.
300 discounted by 5% = (100-5)% of 300 = 95% of 300 = 0.95 * 300 = 285

The general rule of thumb for the discount problem "some number discounted by p% is amount."
To calculate the missing number divide the amount by (100-p)%

Now let's start increasing.

Let's start with your raise.

Congratulations, you just got a 5% raise. Your paycheck currently reads $861. How much were you making before the raise?

First of all we know this is an increase problem, since we intend to go from a smaller number (which we do not currently know) to a larger one.
We know from our discussion on the previous page that (100+5)% of whater your old salary was will be your new salary of 861.
So this problem becomes "105% of what number is 861?"
105% = 1.05
861/1.05 = 820
Your old paycheck was for $820
820 increased by 5% = (100 + 5)% of 820 = 105% of 820 = 1.05 * 820 = 861

I'll show you this once more and then give you the general rule of thumb (although by that time you might have guessed what it's going to be)

A product cost $48.15 once the 7% sales tax is factored in. What would it have cost without the tax?

First of all we know this is an increase problem, since we intend to go from a smaller number (which we do not currently know) to a larger one.
We know from our discussion on the previous page that (100+7)% of whater the price was will be the final cost of 48.15.
So this problem becomes "107% of what number is 48.15?"
107% = 1.07
48.15/1.07 = 45
The price of that item without tax is $45.00
450 increased by 7% = (100 + 7)% of 450 = 107% of 450 = 1.07 * 450 = 481.15

Have you figured out what the general rule is? I bet you have. But just in case you haven't here it comes
The general rule of thumb for the increase problem "some number is being increased by p% yeilds amount."
To calculate the missing number divide the amount by (100+p)%

In each of the exercises listed below, you'll be asked to calculate the base figure.
To help you along the problems are each broken down into two steps
In step 1 you'll be asked what percent you need to divide the amount by.
In step 2 you'll be asked to supply the base figue
Give your answers as a decimal and omit any commas (they confuse the machine)

Exercise 1
. The number of visitors at the zoo on May 20th was 26,040. That was up 12% from the day before. How many people came to the zoo on May 19th?
Step 1: This problem can be broken down into the following:
% of some number is 26,040.
Step 2.How many people visited the zoo on May 19th? people

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Exercise 2
An item cost $6.24 once a 4% sales tax was factored in. How much would it have cost without tax?
Step 1: This problem can be broken down into the following:
% of some number is 6.24.
Step 2.How many would the item cost without the tax? $

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Exercise 3
You changed the type of gas you fill your car with and noticed that you are now getting better mileage. You currently are getting 36 miles per gallon, which is up by a rate of 20% What type of mileage were you getting from the gas you used to use?
Step 1: This problem can be broken down into the following:
% of some number is 36.
Step 2.What was your mileage before you changed gas? miles per gallon

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Exercise 4
You just paid $5.58 for an item that was reduced by 55% How much did it cost before the sale?
Step 1: This problem can be broken down into the following:
% of some number is 5.58.
Step 2.How much did it cost before the sale? $

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Exercise 5
You shopped at a new supermarket and saved 15% compared to the amount you spent at the market you usually go to. Your order at the new market came to $76.50. How much would it have cost at the old market?
Step 1: This problem can be broken down into the following:
% of some number is 76.50.
Step 2.How much would you order cost at the old market? $

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Exercise 6
Over this last weekend a movie was seen by 12.75 million people compared to the previous week. That was down by 25% How many people saw it the previous weekend? Step 1: This problem can be broken down into the following:
% of some number is 12.75.
Step 2. How many people saw the movie on the previous weekend? million people

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I'm going to end the percent unit, by again talking about 100%

Occasionally you might come across a situation where there is a limited number of options.
And you might want some type of barometer measuring which of the options was the most favorable.
Well percents would be that barometer.
However it is important to remember that if we added the percents for each option we must reach 100.

What are some real examples of this you might ask?

Well here are three examples.

  • An election where you only have two candidates.
    If the winning candidate gets 78% of the vote
    then the other candidate must have received (100 - 78)% = 22% of the vote.

    We could write this as follows: The total vote = The vote for the winning candidate + The vote for the losing candidate
    or the equivalent statement
    (100% of the vote) = (78% of the vote) + (22% of the vote)

    Now let's say the total vote (our base) was 1,000,000 people, and you knew from some previous calculation that 78% of 1,000,000 is 780,000. Now I know you could calculate 22% of 1,000,000 just as easilly, but's let's say you're feeling a little lazy. By subtracting 780,000 from 1,000,000 you'll get your answer.
    (i.e. (22% of the vote) =(100% of the vote) -(78% of the vote))
    Thus you could conclude 22% of the vote = 220,000.

  • A library noted that on a given day 56% of the books circulated were fiction. What percent of the books circulated on that day were non-fiction?

    Well either a book is fiction or non-fiction. There is no third alternative. So the two percents would have to add up to be 100.
    100 - 56 = 44
    Thus 44% of the books circulated that day were non-fiction.

    We could write this as follows:
    The total amount of books circulated = The fiction books circulated + The non-fiction books circulated
    or the equivalent statement
    (100% of the books circulated) = (56% of the books circulated) + (44% of the books circulated)

    Now let's say the total number of books circulated (our base) was 150,000, and you knew from some previous calculation that 56% of 150,000 is 84,000. Now I know you could calculate 44% of 150,000 just as easilly, but's let's say you're feeling a little lazy. By subtracting 84,000 from 150,000 you'll get your answer.
    (i.e. (44% of the books circulated) =(100% of the books circulated) - (56% of the books circulated))
    Thus you could conclude 44% of the books circulated is 66,000.

  • This last example is a little harder, so pay careful attention

    A multiplex movie theater showing three different films.
    If 35% of the people seeing movies at that theater saw film 1 and 32% of the people seeing movies at that theater saw film 2, what percent of people seeing movies at that theater saw film 3?

    Well the percents of all three films have to add up to be 100
    The percents that we know are 35 and 32.
    35 + 32 = 67.
    100 - 67 = 33.
    Thus we can conclude 33% of the people seeing movies at that theater saw film 3.

    We could write this as follows:
    The total amount of people seeing movies at that theater = The amount of people seeing movies at that theater seeing film 1 + The amount of people seeing movies at that theater seeing film 2 + The amount of people seeing movies at that theater seeing film 3
    or the equivalent statement
    (100% of the people seeing movies at that theater) = (35% of the people seeing movies at that theater) + (32% of the people seeing movies at that theater) + (33% of the people seeing movies at that theater)

    Now let's say the total number of people seeing movies at that theater is 250,000. And let's say you know that 35% of 250,000 is 87,500, and 32% of 250,000 is 80,000.
    To calculate the amount of people seeing the third film you could compute 33% of 250,000
    You could subtract (87,500 + 80,000) from 250,000, getting a result of 82,500.
    (i.e. (33% of the people seeing movies at that theater) = (100% of the people seeing movies at that theater) - (35% of the people seeing movies at that theater) - (32% of the people seeing movies at that theater))

Now you have your last set of exercises for percents.
Just another reminder to omit commas from your answers

Exercise 1
At a banquet the guests had a choice of a beef or a chicken dinner. There was 500 guests. 47% of the guests chose beef.
Step 1 What percent of the guests chose chicken? %
Step 2 How many guests chose beef? people
Step 3 Using the subtraction method just discussed, calculate the number of guests who had chicken people

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Exercise 2
On a ballot question 22% of the voters answered "yes". There was a total of 500,000 votes.
Step 1 What percent of the voters answered "no"? %
Step 2 How many voters answered "yes"? people
Step 3 Using the subtraction method just discussed, calculate the number of voters who answered "no". people

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Exercise 3
A computer class covered Microsoft Words and Microsoft Excel. The class spent 45% of the time on Words. The class lasted for 120 minutes (i.e. 2 hours)
Step 1 What percent of time was spent on Excel? %
Step 2 How much time did the class spend of Words? minutes
Step 3 Using the subtraction method just discussed, calculate the amount of time the class spent on Excel. minutes

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Exercise 4
A computer store sells three makes of computers: Compaq, Gateway, and Dell. On a given day they sold 150 computers. 30% of the sales were for Compaq and 36% of the sales were for Gateway.
Step 1 What percent of the sales were for Dell? %
Step 2 How many of the sales were for Compaq?
Step 3 How many of the sales were for Gateway?
Step 4 Using the subtraction method just discussed, calculate the amount of sales for Dell.

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Exercise 5
A restaurant offers three early-bird specials: one is beef, one is chicken, and the third one is fish. On a given day they had 200 orders for the specials. 25% of the orders were for beef and 30% were for chicken.
Step 1 What percent of the orders were for fish? %
Step 2 How many orders did they have for beef? orders
Step 3 How many orders did they have for chicken? orders
Step 4 Using the subtraction method just discussed, calculate the amount of orders for fish. orders

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You have now have reached the end of the percent unit.
Now you have a few options
You could review what you learned about percents with a little test,
You could go back to the Percent main page to review a lesson,
You can go back to the main page to choose your next lesson, or
Go on to the unit on negative numbers and number lines.